Group 1B | Insecticide
*Actual product color and size may vary from image displayed
**Pack size can be customized to client needs
Registered Use
DIRECTIONS FOR USE: One (1) Tbsp = 10 mL
FREQUENCY AND METHOD OF APPLICATION: Mix thoroughly the recommended rate of Minokawa 60 EC with sufficient water and apply as high volume spray when insect populations first appear.
COMPATIBILITY: Minokawa 60 EC is compatible with commonly used insecticides and fungicides except copper compounds.
RE-ENTRY PERIOD: As soon as spray has dried.
STORAGE AND DISPOSAL: Store in original container, tightly closed away from food, food containers and animals or pets. Keep away from heat and flame. Do not use empty containers. Destroy and /or bury containers in deep pits away from sources of water.
PROHIBITION AND WARRANTY: IT IS A VIOLATION OF FPA RULES AND REGULATION TO USE THIS PRODUCT IN A MANNER INCONSISTENT WITH ITS LABEL. No warranty of any kind, expressed or implied is made concerning the use of this product. User assumes all risk and liabilities resulting from handling, use or application.